Development of marketing strategy.
Identification of a target market, its main players and serious competitors.
Positioning of products.
Establishment of sales, distribution and support networks.
Consultation regarding regulations, tariffs and shipment.
Development of logistics network.
Advertising and promotion material: print, film, multimedia, Internet Home pages.
Organization of exhibitions.
Organization of distributors/users seminars.
Representation of overseas high tech companies in Israel.

Over 30 Years of experience in the International High Tech Marketplace.
Core Business:
F.E.M.C. provides commercial and defense high-tech companies with the services required to position, launch, market and sell products on the global marketplace.
The company's Mission:
F.E.M.C.'s services are ideal for the young, ambitious high tech enterprise or an established company wishing to penetrate new markets. You gain the proven experience of an export marketing specialist at terms that are highly cost-effective.
Track Record:
F.E.M.C.'s founder and director acts as the driving force behind your export program. his career spans high tech marketing in the United States, Europe and Asia, giving you an immediate competitive edge. You benefit from market know-how and contacts, along with the critical in-depth understanding of rapidly changing high tech markets.
A Mutually Beneficial Partnership:
F.E.M.C. believes you should pay for results. Compensation is linked to performance: to sales generated by F.E.M.C.'s services. The only pre-sale expenses paid directly to F.E.M.C. are related to overseas travel and communications. Expenditures for the production of marketing material, seminars, promotion and other activities can be paid directly to contractors by your company with only the accepted management fee given to F.E.M.C., or, alternatively, a package deal can be negotiated with F.E.M.C. taking responsibility for every aspects of the project.
For any inquiries, questions or commendations, please call: +972544500396 or fill out the following form
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